Custom Paint By Numbers - Your own Photo as a Paint By Numbers Kit
13 Reasons why you should start to paint your own photos as Paint By Numbers today.
There are many good reasons to start painting your own photos and memories today. A custom paint by number kit is the right thing for you in this case.
Maybe you think at this moment that painting is not for you and you do not know where to start. In that case I can assure you: Painting with the Custom Paint by Numbers Kits from BestPaintByNumbers is super easy.
#1 - Concentration (While painting you increase your ability to concentrate)
#2 - Therapeutic Benefits (Painting is an individual activity)
#3 - Unleashed Creativity
#4 - Communication (Art makes us more human, it helps us to communicate in a different, personal language)
#5 - Painting helps people with aggression or nervousness conditions.
#6 - Self-esteem (Helps to come closer to greater personal achievements. It will strengthen your individuality and self-esteem.)
#7 - Temporary healing (It is almost like entering another dimension without leaving your body. This state of concentration is called Alpha. In this state one part of the brain is conscious and the other pulls the unconscious out.)
#8 - Mental Health (Painting helps us to distract ourselves from our daily concerns or problems. We forget for a time what is bothering us. Painting helps us to forget and reduce our fears and turn them into something else - more beautiful.)
#9 - Emotional Intelligence (Emotions are a huge part of our creative world, which we all carry within us. When we let these emotions flow through painting, it helps us to create a harmony between heart and mind, which leads us to happiness, love, empathy and peace.)
#10 - Culture and Art Appreciation (Practicing, learning and talking about art creates a better understanding of art itself.)
#11 - Fun (Art and in particular painting has all the advantages of good entertainment: we laugh, make contacts, learn something new, educate ourselves further - both internally and externally, feel motivated to finish what we started, appreciate nature and feel passion for something good.)
#12 - There are no rules (There is no one who could tell you exactly what you're doing is right or wrong. Your opinion is the only one that matters when it comes to painting)
#13 - It's magical (Painting appears nearly magical in the sense that a canvas can be completely empty in one hour, but is filled with paint in the next hour! It is incredible to believe that no two people paint the same picture in exactly the same way.)
Paint by Numbers Custom Kit with your own Photo
Our BestPaintByNumbers Paint By Number Kits are easy to do and a great way to start on your artistic journey.
When it comes to starting, it’s a good idea to start from the top to the bottom, or starting in the largest areas and moving to the smaller parts. This is because you’re more likely to smudge the smaller areas if you work on them before you paint the larger parts.
We suggest that you always close the paint pots of your paint kit well so that they do not dry out unnecessarily and you first finish one number before you open a new one.
How to Pick The Right Picture for Your Kit
The photo you choose for your custom paint-by-number kit is important because the details can make or break the outcome of your project.
Make sure to choose a photo with a simple background, a background that has too many elements can come off as busy and is difficult to paint if you are a beginner.
Whether it’s a personal photo or a photo of your loved ones, you should pick something that’s easier for you to paint.
Of course, if you decide to paint a portrait of your pet, just make sure like for every other photo that you want as a custom paint by number kit, that you upload a photo with good light, contrast and sharpness.
You can also, if you like, take a photo of your favorite celebrity or book character and use their photo for your custom paint by numbers kit.
Bob Ross, the world-renowned painter, has stressed many times that absolutely any person can paint! Of course, it may take some practice, so what better way to practice your painting skills with Best Paint by Numbers?
We provide you a wide variety of painting products from pre-made kits of famous paintings and landmarks to customized kits created from your personal photos. Once you have your kit, you’ll need to prepare yourself so you can proudly display your paint by number kit as a masterpiece ready for family and friends to enjoy.
Contrary to popular belief, custom paint-by-number kits are not limited to children. A lot of people use painting as a form of stress relief, which is why you should try it and see if it helps you relieve yourself from stress.
It’s also a fun way to train your mind to focus on something other than sad news about the pandemic, and news of people who are anti-maskers. However, it’s important to remember that stress is a normal response to the current situation.
What’s important is that you spend time to rest and take a break from all the news that bring you stress. We suggest painting because it is useful in helping you boost your concentration. One of the most common problems during this period is that you are too stressed that you have difficulty with focusing on one thing.
One way you can make yourself feel more accomplished during this quarantine period is by finishing a task. No matter how easy the task is, being able to complete it will give you a sense of fulfillment, which will help you feel more relaxed and secure.
Custom Paint By Number Kits are more fun to do compared to generic ones because you can use your own photo. If you want to customize one and give it as a gift, we can guarantee that this will be something they’ll keep forever and it’s more personal compared to most kits.
You’ll be surprised how relaxing and fun it is to finish your own kits. It can take some time to finish a painting depending on the size of the image and the number of details in your photo, but it’s always nice when you finish a kit.
When will you start to paint?
Let's start with a couple of tips about Custom Paint By Number Kits
Do you want to try paint by number kits, but don’t know where to start?
Are you looking for a beginner-friendly kit that’s both unique and budget-friendly?
Do you have a lot of questions about paint by number kits, but know where to go?
These are only a few of the many frequently asked questions about paint by number kits that even veteran painter can’t seem to give a straight answer. Here at Best Paint by Numbers, we pride ourselves not only in giving our customers a high-quality product, but top-notch service as well! Here is our guide on how to elevate your project.
- Iron out the wrinkles.
No one wants to paint on a wrinkled surface so ironing the canvas would be a good idea. However, be cautious in ironing the numbered side as they can easily be erased with damp hands or a steam iron! - Lock the canvas in place.
Whether you stretch the canvas or not, you should lock it in place to prevent any untoward accidents. Easels usually have a mechanism that locks a canvas in place. If your canvas is not stretched, mounting it to a board or thick cardboard with painter’s tape is also good. - Pick a spot.
Not just any spot, mind you. It has to be a well-ventilated area with lots of light and space so you can have more elbow room to work and concentrate on your masterpiece. If you have a small space, that’s no problem as it can be easily fixed with a neutral-colored light bulb lamp and if necessary a magnifying glass. It goes without saying that you should clear the area of things that you don’t want paint on! - Set your station.
Painting on a flat surface is ideal, but as long as you’re comfortable, whether you’re painting on a desk or a coffee table, you should have a surface that will not get disturbed when you paint. If you can’t stay in one spot for too long, either due to time constraints or an easel (sold separately) would be best as it allows you to take your work anywhere. - Materials on hand.
A basket or tray to contain all of your materials would be very handy, not to mention you won’t have to run around looking for them as they’re all gathered in one place. A couple materials to keep in your arsenal is paper towels and extra brushes. - Take a pic!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and it definitely will be when you lose track of your process. It often happens that you would get so engrossed in your work that you often forget what you were doing. Smartphones nowadays can take the most detailed photos so there’s no need to worry about not being able. - Just the Tip!
Another rookie mistake is not only dipping your brush in the pot dry, but they also dip the whole brush in the paint pot. It doesn’t have to be accurate, just a drop or two of paint helps to wet the brush and spread the paint better. - One at a time.
A common mistake that happens is when you open multiple pots of paint at a time. Mixing colors often comes out muddy and, not to mention, acrylic paint dries easily, further ruining the paint. - Lightest to darkest; top to bottom; left to right.
Starting a project can get a little overwhelming, so the tried-and-true method is going from lighter to darker shades from top of the canvas to the bottom.
For left-handed painters. It’s safe to assume that majority of our painters are right-handed people, but that doesn’t mean the lefties are left out. If you’re left-handed, painting from right-to-left will not only be easier on your part, but it would also prevent and paint smudging from the condensation our hands make. -
Relax and have fun.
After all, what’s painting if it isn’t fun? Painting has scientifically been proven to help keep anxious people calm. When engaged in a project, be sure to take a 15-minute break every hour or so to prevent cramping on your neck, arms, and back.
The Paper Guard.
We picked up this trick from charcoal sketch artists who didn’t want to smudge their work with their hands. Just lay a sizeable square scrap of watercolor paper, card stock, even thick paper on your canvas as you work. This way, if any smearing occurs, it is contained and isolated from the other colors.
The Double-Wash Cup.
Typically, one would keep a cup of water to clean their paintbrush when they use another color, but why the second cup? It’s simple: to avoid color contamination. You use the second cup to ensure there isn’t any leftover paint when you move to another color. Without the second cup, you risk having some paint residue buried deep in your brush contaminating the next color.
The Frame Hack.
Want to put up your painting but don’t got the money to commission a professional? No worries! Just get some strong adhesive, like double-sided tape. This not only is an easy tip, but it’s also doesn’t do any harm to your home!
The Conservation Artist.
It would be wise to save the paints even after the project is done to account for future fixes or touch-ups (much like a classical conservation artist ).
The Toothpick Hack.
Is there a tight corner that you can’t seem to reach with your brush? Just put a small drop of paint and guide it with a toothpick! If fine details are too much of a hassle, a creative solution is the next tip.
The Zigzag Blend.
Instead on coloring in the lines, why not go past them? A great way to elevate your paint by number piece is to do the zigzag blend method.
The Stain Removal Hack.
Did you accidentally get paint on something you shouldn’t have? Don’t fret! There’s an easy solution for that. Since most of the Best Paint by Number kits are acrylic paint (which is water-based), a kitchen towel or cotton swab damped with a bit warm water should do the trick! It takes a few tries to remove paint on the canvas, but slow and steady always wins the race. As a last resort, a cotton swab with acetone (nail polish remover) can work, but that’s a only if it’s really necessary. - be carefully not to damage the canvas.
Is starting a paint by number kit project hard? I’m a beginner. Not at all! The instructions are really simple: just paint the area with the color corresponding to the number. That’s it! If you’re more of a visual learner, there are may videos online to show you how easy it is.
- What is gesso? Why do we use it?
Gesso is a medium that’s works like a primer before you start painting on your canvas. Gesso is typically used by professionals who want a smooth and stable surface before they start painting. Newbies absolutely don’t have to worry about gesso - you don't need it! - Do I need gesso? Is gesso necessary?
Using gesso in any of our kits is not necessary since our kits are stable on their own. However, if you want to use gesso, you may do so, but we highly recommend doing research before starting your project. - Why is gesso not included in the kit?
Our kits were designed to be painted without gesso. If you wish to use gesso, you may purchase them at your local art supply store. Once again, we highly recommend doing research before applying gesso.
- What kind of gesso should I use?
It would be best to consult your local art supply store as they are knowledgeable about the various products available from the different manufactures. Many of our customers agree on using clear gesso as it’s the easiest to work with in general. - Should canvases be stretched?
Stretching a canvas is not easy - so for the beginners, we recommend not stretching them especially if you don’t have the necessary tools to properly stretch it. However, there is no need to worry as our kits was designs to be used whether they are stretched or not. - Why should I stretch my canvas?
Aside from preparing it for framing, stretching the canvas is mostly for convenience, especially if you are using an easel. It might take a little time, but it’s well worth the effort. - Should I stretch my canvas?
That is entirely up to you. Even if you want to hang up your project when you’re done, there’s no need to fuss as the canvas was designed to be display whether they get stretched or not.